Kamis, 02 Desember 2021

Battlefield 2 Draw Distance

Battlefield 2 Draw Distance

  1. Hi, Ive been having a problem with my view distance on battlefield 2. Mainly on Wake Island and Gulf Of Oman and mainly flying maps. It seems that its been lowered and i can see the line stopping me from seeing further instead of the fog . Infact the View distance is all set up to 100%. The game is set to all high Setting and 4x AA.

    Heres some screenies:


    Here you can see on the far left the hill side and how the view distance is a line and not the fog


    This one you can clearly see the line when approaching the carrier

    And another problem ive been having is that on Wake island when im the US as i fly over to the PLA Airfield and there jet and chopper is there it appears really late. Like if im up in the chopper say 250meters above the airfield and im looking down where the chopper should be in TV guided missile screen i cannot see it but when i fire the missile and i get to about 50meters of it...the bloody thing appears!!! very annoying

    Asus a8n-sli se
    2gb Geil
    7900GTO 512mb

    Hope someone can help me :D
    Thanks Ryan

  2. Hmm that looks ok to me. :o

    Perhaps try deleting the cache files and then restarting a game, it will optimise all the stuff again, see if that fixes the "problem". :)

    It can be found under My Documents\Battlefield2\Mods\BF2. Just delete the entire contents of the cache folder.

  3. I know that BF2 does have bad view distance and this cannot be removed without it being classified as cheating.

    Well I know that I get the same problem in some games like GRAW I walk forward and the item appears but I can't see it a few meters back.

  4. yeah from what i can remember it never did it before this PC. But its annoying when i have people shouting at me on Teamspeak when they can see a heli and i cant :D
  5. Yeah, that looks pretty much the standard view distance for me! Very annoying.
  6. Looks normal to me too. If anyone is getting better view distance please do let us know!
  7. You can remove it, but punkbuster detects.
  8. That's totally normal. The only way to increase the max view distance is a hack, which will get you banned by PB if it detects you.
  9. There was a thread a while ago about how you can see further with sli
  10. looks fine to me as well, try changing the AF to higher if you can
  11. the view distance hasnt changed with any patches so to have the maximum view allowed set GEOMETRY to HIGHEST,VIEW DISTANCE 100%
    other than that theres nothing you can do
  12. blieve it or not but SLI set ups get far greater view distance ion battlefield 2. its so unfair.
  13. I also have a problem with the game but it's AA-related. Even 6xAA looks bad, you can still see the jaggies, but noticeably blurred - almost like 2xAA. Its been like this with X800GTO and now my new X1950XT. Is it notorious for bad AA or something?

  14. if your forcing AA via the catalyst control panel and then turning AA on in game, most games will just ignore all AA functionality.
  15. I don't use the Catalyst functionality, otherwise I would have mentioned that it's a problem for all of my games and not specifically Battlefield 2.
  16. Here's a pic I took yesterday for someone else.

    Seems the same :|
    But yeah, when I had my old system everything @ max I couldn't see my friend when he could see me.

  17. yours looks normal to me as well...I use to have SLI but I cant say it made the viewing distance any greater... unless its a plot by Nvidia to make us byuy 2 8800 GTX's :eek:
  18. I had the same prob with BF2,if you select to let the application decide the AA it works fine.Kind of annoying though if you forget to do it before firing up BF2 and remembering after the bloody map finally loads.

Battlefield 2 Draw Distance

Source: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/battlefield-2-bad-view-distance.17671409/

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